Every April we celebrate Earth Month. This year we’re calling on all employees and our larger Ohana to join us in surpassing the environmental impact we made together in 2017. Last year, our employees logged over 3,000 hours of volunteer time, partnering with 64 external organizations throughout the month. Our employee green team Earthforce, made up of over 6,000 employee volunteers, held over 25 Earth Day celebrations around the world.

This Earth Month, we’re focusing on three key pillars to give back to people and the planet. Join us as we focus on:

  1. Education. Our green team, Earthforce is leading campaigns around the globe to educate employees about various topics such as energy, waste, food and more. One of the ways we’re bringing education to life is through Earth Day celebrations across the globe and we’re reminding employees about Salesforce’s own environmental commitments and progress.

  2. Volunteering in the community. Last year our employees volunteered over 3,000 hours and partnered with over 60 external organizations that benefited the environment. This year we’re encouraging each employee to volunteer at least 1 hour for the planet.

  3. Taking action. There are many ways to advocate for environmental equality. Salesforce employees are taking action through educating and participating in the Drawdown EcoChallenge, a public action campaign aimed at tackling the 100 most substantive solutions to global warming.


Why Salesforce Celebrates

The health of our planet is inextricably linked to the health of our entire Ohana. We recognize that climate change is a human issue; it impacts every individual, company, city and nation, and the effects weigh the heaviest on the world’s most vulnerable communities, amplifying global inequality.

Environmental equality is about more than creating a “greener world.” It’s about creating a more equal world where everyone has access to clean air, energy and water. A world where future generations and communities have the natural resources they need to truly thrive.

If we look at recent events, we see the effects dramatically changing our natural landscapes and irrevocably damaging human lives. Consider rising sea levels threatening island populations. Or droughts causing forced mass migrations that will only continue to challenge how we address immigration processes. Contaminated water systems that make us question the infrastructure that surrounds us and the safety of families. Big storms and wildfires are unyielding and threatening communities overnight. That’s why the most successful climate solutions will address human rights and equality.

Unfortunately, many of these issues are not being addressed quickly enough.

At Salesforce we understand that change doesn’t come overnight, and we also recognize that it cannot be done alone. Making lasting, positive, environmental impact must be done by working in tandem with one another. Individuals, businesses, cities, governments and policies must work together to overcome the issues that our communities face today. And drive a better, sustainable solution for the future.

To learn more about our environmental initiatives visit salesforce.com/sustainability. Some of our recent progress includes announcing our blackwater recycling system, advancing our commitment to renewable energy, and delivering our customers a carbon neutral cloud.