Today, we’re excited to announce the release of Salesforce Chatter for Windows.

Salesforce Chatter, as a desktop app, was built to increase productivity across the organization by enabling users to interact with the full suite of Chatter feed features. Post and comment, participate in polls and Q&A, even post a drawing on a touch-enabled device. When not actively using the app, customers can still stay in touch with actionable push notifications for important updates.

Chatter has always been a great way to collaborate in context with customer data. With a dedicated app for Windows, customers can leverage Chatter without keeping a browser window open. And by deep linking into Salesforce instances with authentication, customers can seamlessly toggle back and forth between the app and their browser without ever needing to login twice.

The Salesforce Chatter app works on devices running Windows 10 or higher.

Download the Salesforce Chatter app from the Windows Store today!