This is the third post in our four-part Data Strong Organization infographic series. Be sure to check out our Sales and Marketing infographics.
As sales has become a more data-driven process, sales operations teams are an increasingly valuable and critical part of sales success. Like military generals, they keep a birds-eye view on the sales landscape and can deploy sales reps effectively to suit each customer’s needs. Beyond the everyday tactical of managing data, pricing and contracting support, and running reports, sales operations needs have a role in driving sales strategy. With access to accurate and complete data, sales operation professionals can focus on accounts in order to drive better territory planning and sales forecasting, while reps focus on the contacts. Often working as the bridge to marketing, they help ensure that the lead handoff is seamless. Cultivating a data strong sales ops team can help your organization maintain a competitive edge and achieve consistent, repeatable success.
In the infographic below, we take a look at how sales ops powers a data-strong team. Take a look and download the free e-book to find out how data-centric teams drive business success.
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