You’ve likely heard the advice that it’s better to show rather than tell. In other words, use something visual to evoke emotion, paint the bigger picture, connect, and make your message count. When trying to collaborate with groups, coworkers, and even prospects, isn’t it better to show someone an awesome video and fully engage your audience to get your point across, rather than tell them? Of course it is.

Chatter has become the cornerstone of enterprise collaboration, but without a video component, it’s missing a medium we all choose to communicate with today. Everyone has come to expect video in digital experiences because we interact with it on consumer apps and sites like YouTube, Vine, and Instagram every day. When you add video to the mix, it not only influences your customers’ decisions, but it’s also a content medium that’s completely trackable and measurable.

We recently launched a Chatter integration at Vidyard that allows you to easily and securely share video with any of your contacts or Chatter groups directly inline in their Chatter feed. This is a huge value-add because of the way you can make use of video to enhance your overall Chatter deployment.

Not only does it improve enterprise collaboration, it also enables sales reps to securely share videos with their prospects, allows you to set up video-based corporate training, and can enhance internal communications across your organization. Let’s take a look at some use cases to show how this works:

Training and Collaboration

With secure video sharing, you can turn your Chatter deployment into a powerful tool for video-based training and workgroup collaboration. Within your existing Chatter instance, you simply upload and share private training videos with individual employees, targeted Chatter groups, or your entire organization.

Employees can view the video content right within Chatter, and even upload their own videos. You then get full visibility into which employees have actually watched specific video content modules, and you can trigger automated workflows based on training milestones and completion rates.

Corporate Communications

Beyond internal training, when looking to share an internal corporate message or executive briefings with your entire organization, it’s important that your message is timely, engaging, private, and most importantly – consumed.

You can deliver your corporate communications in a medium your employees appreciate and enjoy, using video in Chatter, and you can track exactly how much of your message they watch. It’s easily shared within the organization with specific groups or individuals and, because video in Chatter is secure, you can have peace of mind knowing your content isn’t accessible by any unauthorized, external viewers.

Sales Enablement

With secure video sharing in Chatter, sales reps can record and upload new videos from their smartphone, tablet, or computer, and immediately share them with prospects, colleagues, and customers in a simple, secure way. Not only is this a boost to productivity and customer engagement, but it can drive greater adoption of your Chatter solution across your sales organization. Imagine the impact of a sales rep sharing a highly personalized thank you video with a brand new customer via Chatter.

Sales reps can also collaborate with colleagues to find existing product videos to share with prospects, provide internal feedback on videos still in-the-works, and deliver the right video at the right time to a hot prospect. Even more important, after sending a video to someone via Chatter, they can see whether the video was actually viewed, and exactly how long the piece held their prospect’s attention for.

About the Author

FMichael Litt is the CEO and co-founder of Vidyard, a video marketing platform helping marketers measure the impact of their video content. Thought leader, surfer, and serial entrepreneur, Michael is passionate about content marketing and changing the way we engage and purchase with video. Chat with Michael on Twitter or LinkedIn to learn more.

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