two sales tipsWe buy on emotion justified by logic. If you are like most salespeople, you probably agree with this statement.  Yet, you may not be leveraging this insight during your sales conversations. For example, are you using both emotion and logic in your sales conversations? 

Here's one way you could improve your use of emotion and logic in your sales conversations: take any product you sell and list the emotional reasons clients need the product and the logical reasons for justifying their purchase of that product. You might use a chart like the one below.


What are the emotional reasons for needing this product?

What are the logical reasons for justifying the purchase of this product?

The wizbang toothbrush

It will keep my teeth cleaner and my breath fresher ... better for my relationship. 

It will make brushing more fun for the kids.

It will save me money on dentist bills.

Its sonic feature is better for cleaning our teeth.

It’s better for the environment.

We’ll use less toothpaste. 




To get you going and to have a bit of fun, start with a playful example.  Depending on your interests you might begin with a pair of expensive shoes, a flat-screen TV or a Ferrari.  Make it an item that you’re passionate about or you’re coveting. 

Once you have filled out the chart, switch to how you leverage the information in your sales conversations.  Take one of your sales conversations from the last week and figure out what you could have asked or said to help those clients better connect to their emotional and logical reasons for buying.   Build a list of questions you can ask and statements you can make to help clients better connect to their emotional and logical reasons for buying. 

You’ll quickly discover how leveraging your clients’ emotional and logical reasons for buying will help you and them with their buying decisions.  

Have you had a chance to use the insight, “We buy on emotion justified by logic,” with your clients?

How could you better use this insight with your clients?

When are you going to get a chance to use this insight with your clients?


Learn more tips to boost sales performance with the free Salesforce ebook below.
