It’s time to start thinking about—and acting on—next year. Here are some resolutions you might want to make to make 2014 your best year ever.

Resolve to avoid shiny objects, shortcuts, tips, and tricks that are fronted under the guise of getting you quick results without effort. The only path to mastery comes from spending time on the mat.

Resolve to engage in the difficult conversations around the right ideas and the right investments with your clients instead of avoiding them because you fear losing. The way to become a trusted advisor and a consultative salesperson runs straight through your willingness to have difficult conversations.

Resolve to spend more time nurturing relationships and prospecting and working on opening more relationships and opportunities. Making your number in 2014 means winning new clients.

Resolve to create value before claiming any—and start creating it now (Go ahead and take a running start into 2014!).

Resolve to fill your calendar with commitments—to yourself—and keep those commitments. You build your value to others when you win the private victories that precede the public victories (while you are at this idea, re-read Stephen Covey).

Resolve to treat of your existing client as if they are a prospect, discovering their new needs, new dissatisfaction, and new opportunities to make a difference for them. If your 2014 plan includes increasing your sales, wallet share is necessary.

Resolve to forgive yourself for the mistakes and missteps of last year. Failure isn’t permanent; it’s an event. Failure is only a bad thing if you decided not to learn from it.

Resolve to develop a great ability to help your clients and prospects improve their businesses.

Resolve to do what is necessary to improve your business acumen, your situational knowledge, and the ability to apply it. The easiest way to grow your business is to be someone worth doing business with in the first place.

Resolve to stop making excuses and own your results. Resolve to take full responsibility, regardless of the circumstances. If the economy tanks in 2014, it is still going to be largest economy in the known universe.

Resolve to act with an inspiring sense of urgency. Resolve to follow up and follow through as if time is of the essence.

Resolve to change what you need to change and to double down on what is already working for you.

Resolve to make an uncompromising excellence your standard. Resolve to do the best work of which you are capable in each and every moment. When you are sick and tired, do the best work you are capable under those circumstances.

Resolve to vanquish your fears (insert the name(s) of your fear(s) here). If there is one thing that will prevent you from succeeding in 2014, this is it.

Resolve to give more. Resolve to stop withholding your light. In 2014 resolve to share more of yourself, and resolve to share more with those who need your help.

What resolutions are you going to make for 2014? What are you going to radically change? Tweet me at @iannarino.


This post originally appeared on The Sales Blog.



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