recently published research that reveals companies are not leveraging the most effective lead generation techniques. aggregated their statistical trend data from the top sales organizations in the world to find that while executive events and telemarketing rank as two of the three most effective lead generation techniques, only one-third of their 1000+ clients are leveraging them.

Their stunning conclusion: Companies are wasting millions with ineffective lead generation methods. Why is this?

In the digital age, marketing leaders want to be on the forefront. They are scrambling to keep up with the ever-changing marketing landscape that’s littered with bright, shiny new Internet marketing techniques. As they implement the flavor-of-the-day tactics, they forget about tried and true techniques. After all, could something invented way back in the 1800s, the telephone, still be effective? 

Why Telemarketing Services Work

That begs the question—why does the telephone still work as a marketing tool? Times change, but at their core, people don’t. We still need the human touch to connect with others.

The Human Touch

By picking up the phone and having a conversation with your prospect or customer, you can engage with them and build a relationship. This is the most cost-effective way to personalize your marketing approach. You can focus exclusively on a prospect’s needs, overcome objections, solicit feedback, and clearly answer specific questions.

Filtering Out Golden-Nugget Leads for Sales

One of the greatest expenses for most companies is sales compensation. Anything that can make sales people more productive should be welcomed. A team of tele experts can filter through the leads, separating the golden nuggets for sales people that want a sales call.

Synergies of Tried-and-True and Shiny-and-New

Often the shiny, new digital techniques work best when combined with pre-millennia tactics. It’s about putting the marketing ingredients together in complementary ways.

For example, if you generate web leads by offering a white paper or webinar, you cannot expect the lead to magically convert into a sale. At some point you need to make a call, build the relationship, and discover precisely how your company can help them. 

Keeping Leads Alive with Tele Nurturing

Many B2B buying cycles are long. If leads aren’t nurtured over months, or even years, they may not survive. But by showing interest with a call, learning where the prospect is in their buying decision and how you can help, they are more likely to stay engaged and turn into a client.

Don’t Forget Your Customers

It costs five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain one—don’t forget to give customers a courtesy call once in a while.

To learn more, check out How B2B Telemarketing Increases Leads and Boosts Sales or this related post Keepin' It Real: Turn Qualified Leads into Qualified Sales Prospects.

About the author

Jeff KalterJeff Kalter is CEO of 3D2B, a global business-to-business telemarketing company that bridges the divide between marketing and sales. He leads customer acquisition programs for Fortune 500 companies, and is passionate about building strong business relationships through professional phone conversations.