Today’s customers are more informed than ever before. From being able to find expert opinions on social media and through online forums, to mastering comparison shopping on the go with reviews and price comparisons on their mobile phones, the modern consumer learns about products from many places to find just the right match for their specific needs.

They have questions that could come from anywhere; your website, your mobile app, Twitter, Facebook, etc. By providing a consistent experience across all of these channels, in real-time, you make it easy to customers to buy from and interact with you and build lifetime relationships. Every interaction is an opportunity to get to know the customer better and understand how better to delight them. Here are four major principles to follow in order to become a Customer Company that sells more as a team.

1. Connect to Win

Selling to today’s empowered customer takes everyone in your organization. Your salespeople may be your quarterbacks, but your service, marketing, operations, and product teams are key players as well. Connecting everyone means that everybody can see a view of all of the interactions with your customers for a consistent brand experience.

2. Know Thy Customer

Salespeople need to have all of a customer’s information at their fingertips, and you need to connect them with the right data. There’s more information than ever before in public channels about your customers and prospects. They are asking questions, sharing preferences—and basically letting you know what they want—via social channels. Bring in data from social profiles on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to learn more about your customers and what they want/like.

3. Sell Everywhere

Things happen quickly, and when the customer has a question, it needs to be answered fast. Salespeople can’t wait until they get back to the office to follow up and find the information the customer needs. As well, entering call notes when you get back to the office is simply a bad way to work. It’s too easy to forget details, and an inefficient use of time. New technologies such as mobile applications allow you to work from the road, have everything readily available in one place, and serve customers in real-time.

4. Visibility Means Focus

With always-shifting preferences, what worked for sales yesterday might not work today. You need to make sure your sales team is focused on the right accounts, the right territories. Get feedback on what’s working in the field and what’s not so you can adjust on the fly.

Are you ready to connect your customers, employees, partners, and products in a whole new way? Download the free ebook, Become a Customer Company, at the button below.
