Salesforce customers are using apps to make work easier every day.  Given the power of apps it's only natural that some people develop a special fondness and become full-fledged app experts.  We call these folks "AppExchange All-Stars."

Please welcome Daniel Hoechst to our AppExchange All-Star community.

Daniel (@dhoechst)  is a Certified Advanced Administrator and has been an active member of the Salesforce community since 2009. He is a co-leader of the Salt Lake City Salesforce User Group. He has been recognized as a Salesforce MVP for his commitment to help others learn more about Salesforce. Check out David's blog, which is full of valuable Salesforce tip and tricks at Vertical Coder. 


I love poking around under the covers of Salesforce and most of these apps reflect that. While easy to use, they also give you a lot of power in their customization and configuration.  I hope my picks will help you streamline operations in Salesforce as well.

Schema Surfer by Envy Apps

Sometimes you just need a quick way to view details about your objects and certain attributes are not easy to find. Schema Surfer surfaces all the little details about your objects such as key prefixes, field names, parent and child relationships, and record types all on one screen. This information is indispensible when creating custom buttons or writing Apex code.



Jitterbit Data Loader by Jitterbit Inc.

JitterbitI’ve been a big fan of Jitterbit for years. I was so excited when they released their free Data Loader. My two favorite features of Jitterbit’s Data Loader is the ability to connect directly to your databases to integrate with Salesforce and a scheduler functionality so your integrations can run unattended. When you need to get more features such as outbound message support, the full version is definitely worth a look, too.



Conga Composer by Conga


Sure, everyone seems to know about Conga, but I just can’t leave them off the list. They’ve got a top-notch product and support to match. With Conga, you can create amazing documents merged with Salesforce data. They have many advanced features including support for SOQL queries when standard reports just won’t work. Some of the merge documents I’ve created for my users have just knocked their socks off!



Ring My Bell by S. P. Keasey Trading Co.


This fun little app adds a widget to the sidebar that plays a sound (bell or cash register) and displays a message when an opportunity is closed by anyone in the org. It adds a bit of friendly competition amongst your users to get that bell ringing.