“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
- Helen Keller 


Image by Tim Aubry/Greenpeace

As you know, last week Hurricane Sandy ravaged several cities and states on the East Coast of the United States. The storm and its aftermath has left thousands of families struggling to rebuild their lives.


In an effort to help those affected by the storm, the Salesforce.com Foundation led a matching donation challenge with salesforce.com employees last week. To build on that momentum, the Foundation is opening the matching program to the public and inviting our partners and customers to join us in making a contribution to the Red Cross.

If you make a donation this week, we’ll match your gifts up to a total of $500,000.

The Foundation has also set up a Chatter group for nonprofit organizations who have been impacted by the storm. It is intended to be a collaborative community where nonprofits can work together with the Foundation to surface additional resources needed to get their nonprofits up and running at full speed again.

If you work for a nonprofit in the storm affected area and you want to join the Chatter group, please email Ian Atlas at iatlas@salesforce.com and request to join the NPO Cloud. Ian will respond with a username and login for the org. 

* Image by Tim Aubry/Greenpeace