Without a doubt, Dreamforce 2012 was an experience like no other and much of it was brought to life by the customers, who shared their stories of innovation and social transformation. 

However, technology alone is not transforming these businesses. More often than not, customer success is driven by the guidance, expertise and support of one of our nearly 4,000 consulting partners.

At this year’s Dreamforce, we launched the Partner Innovation Awards to recognize seven of our top consulting partners for the contributions they’ve made to help customers embrace innovation and successfully transform the way they run their businesses. While the qualifying customer work represents a range of technical challenges and industry requirements, one key theme was consistent across all of the winning submissions: the crucial role of a Consulting Partner.

Working with a consulting partner not only helps companies maximize the return they get out of their technology investments, but enables them to successfully drive transformational change across their organizations.  As evidence, let’s take a look at the stories behind the success of two of our Partner Innovation Award winners’ customers:

PARTNER: Acumen Solutions
AWARD: Innovation in Collaboration

Acumen Solutions worked with GSA to adopt the White House Digital Strategy for collaboration.  They deployed Salesforce Chatter to 17,500 employees and contractors across the GSA, empowering GSA to find experts quickly, ask questions and gather answers from these experts, and collaborate on document sharing and development – all with an eye towards faster, better, customer-oriented government.  Early on, Acumen Solutions worked closely with the executive team to establish a clear project vision and develop adoption strategies that included reverse mentoring led by early adopters and organization-specific campaigns to ensure measurable adoption. 

  • Connected the entire organization to crowdsource ideas, solicit feedback, and find experts
  • Drove adoption through an agency-wide Chatter adoption campaign
  • Increased employee engagement, team work, productivity, and collaboration – targeted towards better customer outcomes

"We helped GSA build a coalition of first adopters throughout the organization, and they were the ones who made the Chatter roll-out a smashing success.”
- Adam Horvath, Senior Director, Acumen Solutions

CUSTOMER: Activision
PARTNER: Deloitte
AWARD: Innovation in Customer Service
Deloitte accepting their award

Gaming is social and gamers are social, so Activision needed to transform their gamer support capabilities into the social realm. Deloitte rolled out Salesforce Service Cloud at Activision to identify and proactively address customer issues across social networks, creating new channels for targeted engagement with influencers.

  • Improved gamer satisfaction with Activision brands by providing gamers with a superior, loyalty-building in-game experience
  • Social integration to Facebook and Twitter, allowed monitoring of social ‘conversations’
    to proactively identify and address potential gamer support issues and needs
  • Ability to capture gamer insights to improve future game releases
  • Ground-breaking global implementation of Live Agent

“This particular year, one of the big game changers for us was to launch a completely new social experience.”
-  Tim Rondeau, Senior Director, Activision

These are just two examples that highlight the benefits of working with a trusted consulting partner.  And as the Salesforce product portfolio continues to expand, so will the opportunity for our consulting partners to provide strategic counsel and guidance to companies making the shift to social and mobile technologies.  Congratulations to all 7 of our 2012 Partner Innovation Awards Winners, and to our entire consulting partner community around the globe that is committed to helping our customers successfully drive social transformation across their organizations.

Complete List of the 2012 Partner Innovation Award Winners:

Innovation in Sales Winner: Bluewolf
Innovation in Customer Service Winner: Deloitte
Innovation on the Platform Winner: Appirio
Innovation in Collaboration Winner: Acumen Solutions
Innovation in Marketing Winner: Capgemini
Innovation in Work Winner: ProQuest Consulting
Innovation in Social Vision Winner: Accenture