At salesforce.com, we care about rewarding our employees. As we continue to grow, we want to give you the best opportunity to do the same. One way we do this is by offering a one-of-a-kind Employee Stock Purchase Plan, or ESPP.
The video below gives you all the info you need to make an educated decision about enrolling in the ESPP. I hope all of our employees take advantage of this opportunity to get an equity stake in our company at a 15% discount.
Current employees: Join the ESPP Chatter group to review the FAQ, use the Benefit Calculator to tabulate your potential gain, and post your comments and questions. Future employees: Talk to your recruiter if you want to learn more.
Think the ESPP sounds awesome but don’t work at salesforce.com? We’re hiring! Find your #dreamjob here and follow @salesforcejobs for real time updates from our recruiting team.
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