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In our second look at semantics and structure, let's focus on lists.

There are three types of lists in HTML: the Ordered List, Unordered List, and Description List.

Ordered Lists

Ordered lists, represented by the <ol> tag, defines a list where the items have been intentionally ordered. For instance:

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item


Unordered Lists

Unordered lists, represented by the <ul> tag, are typically more difficult to spot. Below, notice that tabsets, menu items, and even media blocks grouped together form a list.

Unordered lists

Description Lists

Description lists, <dl>, consist of name-value groups, with each group containing one or more terms <dt>, followed by one or more values or descriptions, <dd>. Think of these as the opposite of a form. In a form you have a label, such as Name, followed by an input field. When showing a confirmation page on a form you would start with a single description list, with a <dt> for each lable and <dd> for each value.


	<dd>Accessibility Specialist</dd>

Here are a few more examples from a service solution. A description list is the best available semantic for the following design:

description list example

description list example

How many times have you seen examples like these represented using tables for layout, or maybe just well positioned <div> tags? When I evaluated Section 508 for a Federal agency we allowed tables if the "description term" was placed inside of a table header. As an after production fix, it was considered undesirable but acceptable since it did create a programmatic relationship between term and definition. Had we caught these errors at the planning phase, we would have strongly recommended using the description list as the best semantic available.