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Winter '12 Sandbox Preview Window Instructions
The salesforce.com Winter ‘12 release is quickly approaching and soon you'll be able to take advantage of exciting new features and functionality! As a Force.com Sandbox customer, you have the opportunity to get early access to Winter ‘12 in your Sandbox and test new customizations and features before your production organization is upgraded. We want to make you aware of the options available to you during this time.
The Sandbox Preview Window for Winter ‘12 is scheduled from September 16, 2011 through October 15, 2011. If you decide to Opt-In for the Winter ’12 Preview, your sandbox will be upgraded September 16th & 17th, 2011. If you decide to Opt-Out of the Winter ’12 Preview, your sandbox instance will be upgraded on October 15th, 2011. You must take action by September 9th, 2011 in order to Opt-In for the Winter ’12 Preview.
What Do I Need to Do?
1) Plan for the Preview: From now until September 9th, 2011, decide if you want to Opt-In or Opt-Out of the Winter ’12 Preview Window.
2) Determine your Sandbox instance: To determine which server your Sandbox is on, log into your Sandbox and examine the URL in your browser address bar.
For example, the above web address indicates that the Sandbox is CS1.
3) REFRESH/DO NOT REFRESH: Once you have located your instance, use the chart below to determine when to refresh your Sandbox.
Additional Resources:
● AppExchange Packages and Sandbox Preview Window
● FAQs
If you have additional questions about your Sandbox options in conjunction with the Winter ‘12 release, please contact the salesforce.com Customer Support team.
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