“What exactly does Salesforce do?” and “How can today’s CRMs boost my business?” These are some of the questions our Salesforce team hears every day. They’re good questions, so we thought we’d tackle them head-on, and look at ten ways Salesforce can give your business a boost

Salesforce is today’s leading CRM and simply delivers a whole new level of customer intuition to businesses. Through the power of data, we’re able to personalise customer relationships and scale with you, no matter how big your business grows. We help you deliver good vibes all round, both in customer satisfaction, loyalty and lead conversion.

Most importantly, Salesforce is an easy to use CRM system that boosts productivity and transforms the way businesses of all shapes and sizes sell, market and service their customers. Bringing companies closer to their customers is at the heart of what we do at Salesforce, but it is only one of the ways we create magic as a CRM partner.

Here we look at ten ways Salesforce was able to put the CRM pleasure back into businesses such as these.