Insights and best practices to help marketing Trailblazers to increase ROI, and transform real-time engagement, reporting, personalisation and data management.

In our State of Marketing research last year, Australian and New Zealand marketers told us their top priorities and challenges: improving marketing ROI and attribution, data management, real-time engagement, personalisation, and cross-channel and cross-device journeys. 

Since then, we’ve seen marketers find innovative and creative ways to tackle these challenges, with brilliant results. 

Now, we’re sharing the top 50 marketing tips we’ve heard from our community of Trailblazers in a new ebook – 50 Pro Marketing Tips for 2021. It’s packed with actionable tips from Australian and New Zealand marketers around: 

  • Improving ROI, attribution and reporting
  • Personalisation and real-time engagement
  • Creating cohesive customer journeys across channels and devices
  • Customer data: Identity resolution and building audiences

Here, we’re featuring our favourite five tips – a teaser of the ebook’s goodness.