This year for the first time Salesforce took its Essentials roadshow to the hub of Asia. More than 1,000 delegates from around the region registered to attend the half-day conference at the Marina Bay Sands resort in Singapore. 

Ivy Tse, CCO Halogen Foundation, and Teh Chong Mien, VP Enterprise Sales StarHub, joined pre-keynote host Derek Laney on stage to discuss transforming their businesses on cloud services.

Simon Davies EssentialsAsia Vice President of Sales Simon Davies talked to a packed keynote room about the technology revolution rapidly changing the way businesses operate. These six key areas of change, he explained, would impact the future of our businesses:

  1. Sales Revolution – data driven sales processes let companies sell in a whole new way, and it’s sending conversions skywards
  2. Service Revolution – connected devices are driving a whole new era of customer service
  3. Marketing Revolution – the ability to create 1:1 customer journeys is bringing a new science to marketing
  4. Communities Revolution – organisations are engaging with people in a whole new way in online communities
  5. Apps Revolution – now, even the smallest of businesses can build apps fast to accelerate their success
  6. Data Revolution – 90% of the world’s data has been created in the last 2 years and businesses are harnessing it to know their customers better than ever before. 

Connected Business

Werables demoVice President of Sales Engineering APAC Dan Bognar and the demo team followed with a series of demonstrations showing how businesses can make these revolutions work to their advantage today. A particular highlight was a live demonstration of data-driven business process on a Samsung Gear watch. 

Guest keynote speaker Rahul Mathur, Head of Business Operations, Enterprise Business at Tata Communications brought the keynote to a close by sharing his inspirational story of connecting Sales, Service, and Marketing teams on the Salesforce1 Platform to deliver cost-effective, globally consistent internet-based services to customers around the world. 

All in all, a great start to an exciting event series. Why not catch up with us at Salesforce Essentials in Australia and New Zealand over the coming weeks?

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