Delivering on a customer’s expectations is no longer discretionary — in today’s hyperconnected global marketplace, it has become an indispensable necessity for any business. However, while tweeting back to a customer may seem simple, delivering a truly frictionless customer experience is anything but.

More than ever, your customers and prospects determine the reputation, voice, and even identity of your brand. Whether they are communicating with your brand via Twitter, Facebook, or website form, your response must be relevant and timely — research indicates that 42% of customers expect a response time of one hour or less. Customers want to find what they’re looking for quickly and seamlessly. If your company fails to deliver this, they will move on to your competitors without a second thought. In fact, 59% of customers will switch brands to get better service

To ensure consistent, positive, and seamless customer experience, Marketing and Customer Service teams must develop a synergistic partnership. Whether a conversation occurs through a website form, email, or social channel, both teams must have visibility into this encounter to deliver a frictionless customer experience.

Define Your Multi-Channel Approach

In the modern marketplace, social and mobile are a given. But it’s essential to choose channels strategically. Develop a social customer service strategy that aligns marketing and customer service teams, making sure to consider your customers in optimizing channels you invest in.

Define Ownership of Your Multi-Channel Approach

Overall customer experience may vary depending on your company’s business goals and organizational structure, but it must be consistent: every department and employee shares responsibility for delivering engaging customer experiences. Success is dependent on breaking down departmental silos, and defining roles for internal collaboration.

Ask yourself: How is each department held accountable for customer experience? Bluewolf found, based on the State of Salesforce, that customer engagement is a leading priority for customers: 60% of Marketers and 70% of Customer Service are measured on increasing customer engagement.

These numbers are only predicted to increase, so take action now. Join a private briefing and networking event to learn how leading organisations are acting on multi-channel customer interactions to deliver seamless customer experiences and learn how Salesforce is a leader in Customer Engagement.
