As economies in Asia reopen, businesses need to prepare for the new normal and that includes doubling down on resilience. I recently hosted a webinar on Building Sales Resilience with Tom Abbott, Sales Optimisation Expert, and Keynote Speaker from SOCO/Sales Training. We addressed chief concerns from sales leaders about how to keep their teams and customers engaged, especially when the return to face-to-face selling could be gradual.

Below are some of the top tips, including very simple things you can do to keep your teams motivated.


1. How can leaders keep sales teams motivated when opportunities are hard to come by?

The number one thing leaders can do right now is look after their team’s well-being. At Salesforce, we actively schedule time to have fun with our teams. We talk about our weekend and share ideas about things to do in our spare time. We use the time to play games like Pictionary and share baby photos as a way of getting to know each other better. It’s an opportunity to check in on how people are doing personally and connect while still working remote.

Another thing you can do to build resilience is make it easier for teams to collaborate remotely and in other ways besides email. Dashboards and regular forecast reviews are important in keeping track of trends and prioritising opportunities. So is using a tool like Quip to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Finally, make sure to share and celebrate wins and opportunities, and use any downtime to focus on training and upskilling.


2. How should sales teams engage with customers right now?

Right now is a great time to strengthen customer relationships by showing genuine care and seeking ways to add value. A simple five-minute phone call to ask customers how they’re doing can go a long way, but it’s important to be relevant. Monitor the news and find out what’s happening within their business and industry. So when you get on the phone, you’re one step ahead and can have a more valuable conversation

At the end of the day, it’s about showing empathy and letting customers know you’re there for them in the long term. Know that in 12 months’ time, they will appreciate that you were there to listen and help them solve their problems.


3. How do IT and business teams build a strong business case to invest in technology now?

As businesses focus on stabilising and reopening, they should simultaneously be planning and investing in future growth. Funding can be a challenge, but many grants have been set up by government and industry to help businesses recover and grow. Find out what help is available in your region and think about how you can use this to achieve sustainable growth. If you need guidance on how to establish a solid value proposition, we can help.


4. Will business ever go back to the way it was?

There’s no doubt we’re headed towards a new normal and that presents a unique opportunity to redesign and transform your sales operations. As you do this, think about what tools and training your team may need to adapt. This could include new processes to support remote work or new channels to communicate with customers. Now is the time to identify what your business needs to ensure you have an agile platform to help you pivot.


For more practicable advice and actionable tips, listen to the full webinar or read the e-book Building Business Resilience During Unprecedented Times. You can also contact us to learn about Salesforce Care and solutions to help you navigate this time.