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Terri Moloney

Terri Moloney

Terri is Senior Director, Employee Success, with Salesforce in Ireland. In this role, Terri leads the company’s efforts to attract, develop and retain the best talent. Since joining Salesforce in 2015, Terri has placed a focus on creating a strong and engaged culture at Salesforce that has led to significant growth and a recognition as a Great Place to Work.

With a background in human resources, leadership, and general management, her career expands over several industries and different countries. As well as her current role in the Software/IT industry, she has worked in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, fast moving consumer goods, and in construction.

Terri holds a MSc in Training & Performance Management and MBA and now leads HR in an organisation with over 2000 people in Ireland. She is passionate about building business strategy with a focus on culture and transformation.