For those of us in the legal sector, stringent protection of our intellectual property has never been considered a nice-to-have. It’s been central to our value as professionals. But as every category around us adopted a data-driven model that resulted in more personalised client experiences, it was only a matter of time before we were forced to take a step back and question if the legacy way really was the only way. And it turns out the answer is no. 

Today’s clients  across all industries have become accustomed to a whole new level of personalisation – made possible by shared knowledge across an organisation. Despite there being different standards of security and privacy in the legal world, client expectations for a seamless, tailored experience are as high when it comes to the law as it does when it comes to retail. And since your clients aren’t going to change, you have to. 

The reality is simple: firms can no longer hoard IP. Instead, they must use the data they’re afforded collaboratively to exceed client expectations – and doing so requires an entirely new culture. 


Cultural change critical to survival 

All the best processes and tools in the world can’t transform a firm without a shift in mindset. Without this step, business silos will remain – leading to a disjointed client experience and eventually something even worse: irrelevance. 

Changing a firm’s mindset demands the ultimate change management from the top down. The entire firm  must buy into the idea that more visibility leads to greater value – both externally for clients as well as internally when it comes to a more empowering, streamlined employee experience. 

To enable this change, firms must navigate technological and cultural change management in tandem, giving people tools they’re confident using while illustrating how much value these new tools can provide. 


Salesforce: an intelligent platform that brings people together 

Most law firms are navigating their first and only attempt at digital transformation – but the good news is, the same can’t be said for our team. The combination of Salesforce’s underlying technology and our team’s expertise has led to smooth cultural change across firms of all tenures and sizes, empowering them to become data-driven in everything they do and guiding the required mindset change to make the new way stick. 

We’ll help you transform around your clients , giving you a deeper, unified view of every single client  so that your entire firm has the information it needs to consistently exceed their expectations. From designing effective ownership and decision making processes, to coaching on improved knowledge sharing strategies across practices and pitches – we’ll help you break down silos to rebuild an agile, responsive, connected firm. Read our Future of Law Firms ebook


The Future of Law Firms. Now.

Stay ahead of the curve with a digital-first strategy. Read the ebook to find out more.