Raising Your Game to the Max

Raising your marketing game is not easy and it’s based on several factors. One of them requires you to effectively use all your data to truly know your customers and another means finding ways to engage with your customers in the ways they want to be engaged with. The final factor requires you to optimise your tech, teams, and ways of working so that you are performing to the maximum. It’s about being able to effectively move spend from what doesn’t work to what works. It’s about saving precious hours by automating processes or more easily accessing data. And it’s about converting that potential customer by being able to follow them wherever they go.

In this article, we’ll examine how, looking at the key signals of change from the future, high-performance marketers are raising their game to lead in this space.


How High-Performance Marketers Are Optimising Data


Data-Driven decision-making is going mainstream.

Data is taking a more and more important place in our day-to-day decision-making as marketers and indeed in our personal lives. We only have to look at its prominence in the Covid-19 pandemic. The whole world has effectively taken a crash course in data and everywhere we look consumers and customers are turning to modern analytics models to make sense of what’s happening. While businesses are interpreting it to make decisions around customer’s safety or how best to offer them positive experiences.

So it follows that many high-performing marketing teams today are essentially a team of data analysts and operate within a culture of data. After all, any team who is quickly able to analyse, adjust and optimise their campaigns are bound to have an edge in today's data-centric world.


New Metrics of Success

Better awareness and understanding of data have also allowed new metrics to be implemented and optimised as marketers seek to gain an edge over their competitors.

These new metrics will only increase in our rapidly changing world - whether it’s in stakeholder engagement, lifetime loyalty, or employee collaboration.


Driving Efficiencies

Finally, the pandemic has also changed behaviours and created new realities for how people consume their media. This means that marketing teams adept at interpreting data also need to have tools and processes that help them to follow their customers wherever they go. In this way, they are efficiently able to optimise their reach and move their spend to ensure they’re hitting your customers with the most relevant content.

Companies are also saving hours by bringing all their data and analytics tools into one single dashboard that allows them to quickly view across their marketing functions. By removing a complex web of spreadsheets their team has easy access to once siloed information. They can easily share learnings across regions and quickly report results within their wider organisation.

All these changes are putting pressure on your teams to better use your data and up your performance levels. Getting to grips with this data is key to being a fitter, faster team while adopting tech-like marketing intelligence will improve the quality of data your team needs to perform at a higher level.

Take a Look at what the Future of Marketing Looks Like with this 5-minute video recap, and for more marketing videos catch up on all the innovations from Dreamforce on Salesforce+.