Travel and tourism businesses are using big data to deliver better and more relevant customer experiences.

Customers today want the best flight deals, value for money, and seamless customer journeys — before, during, and after their trip. 

That’s why a high-quality end-to-end experience is crucial.

Big data in the travel industry is changing how companies create customer experiences. Data helps to increase cost and operational efficiencies. It also helps improve your ability to adapt to the changing landscape. And that’s not all data can achieve. 

We explore more benefits of big data and analytics in the Delivering More Than Destinations e-book.

When it comes to high-quality experiences, engaging your customers is just one part of the challenge. You must also align your offering with customer demand. For example, aggregated, bundled services give your business a competitive advantage.

It’s more important than ever to deliver better customer experiences. Businesses are adopting data-driven models to achieve this.

Read on to find out how big data enables your business to win customers, drive profitability, and gain an edge over the competition.


Increase customer engagement with big data

Customers expect personalised engagement at every touchpoint on their journey. But this remains challenging for many businesses to get right.

That's why big data in the tourism industry is essential. It helps you to serve relevant content and personalise your service.

What’s more, big data is vital to achieving successful customer engagement. It enables you to identify actionable insights. For example, you can establish emerging trends and opportunities. If you create relevant content and deliver a personalised service, your customers are more likely to return.


Improve cost efficiencies with travel data 

Big data in the tourism industry helps improve customer costs and profitability. You can set pricing at the optimal level for customer demand too.

Automation can also lead to cost efficiencies and increased productivity. For example, you can streamline and automate daily tasks, such as email alerts and workflows. You and your teams will have more time to focus on other business priorities.

Consolidating your IT platforms helps you to spot gaps and move onto low-code apps. Plus, when marketing teams own the IT processes, they can stay updated in real-time. That means they can respond to data much faster.


Create operational efficiencies in travel with data

Prioritising automation helps increase productivity and operational efficiency. 

Use big data to analyse customer bookings to forecast demand and increase revenue. 

Plus, artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance every touchpoint of the customer journey. It can help travellers book trips faster, welcome guests, and listen to their needs.

To become a high-performing efficient company, consider more agile ways of working.


Other ways to deliver more than destinations

The travel industry generates vast amounts of data every day. This includes ticket purchases, hotel reservations, and online searches. 

Data analytics in the travel industry is essential if your business wants actionable insights.

With big data and analytics, you can provide better customer experiences. You can personalise your service to individual travellers, even after their trip is over.


Delivering More Than Destinations

Find out more about how to deliver better customer experiences in the Delivering More Than Destinations e-book.