One of the biggest changes we’ve seen over the last 18 months is around how consumers engage with businesses. As the COVID-19 pandemic has progressed, people have changed their shopping behaviours, basing their buying decisions on convenience and availability – and this has put a dent in brand loyalty. 

So what can companies do in the face of this trend? With the right data measurement and analysis platform, you can gain better visibility of your customers and their purchasing habits. This data can then inform which customer touchpoints to prioritise and how to tailor your offerings to their needs. 

The companies that are doing this well have been able to turn loyalty into a unique selling proposition, enabling them to build strong, long-term relationships with their customers. And they’ve done this by adopting a customer-centric model – supported by technologies and applications gathering trusted insights throughout the customer lifecycle.


Taking Customer Experience Beyond Convenience

Many businesses rely on the convenience they offer as a key method of attracting and holding onto customers. But with value still top of mind for consumers as they make purchasing decisions, these companies really need to be doing more if they want to stand out. 

Think of a petrol station forecourt for example. Most people visit a petrol station out of necessity, but there’s an opportunity to encourage customers to purchase more than just the fuel. Fuel retail brands are using apps and advanced geolocation to deliver personalised offers and rewards to their customers – and this goes a long way in influencing customer behaviours and making their local station the first choice, whether they need to fill up or buy a snack. 

Using customer-centric tactics like these can be an important differentiator – increasing attraction, conversion, and retention. Improving the customer  at every stage of the journey, making your product offerings more relevant, and providing greater value to your customers are vital to creating and maintaining a loyal customer base. By moving beyond just delivering convenience, you can inspire a mindset shift and ensure your business is a destination of choice.

Transform Around Your Customers to Grow Your Market Share

Today, personalising products and services should be a vital component for any customer loyalty strategy or programme. By capturing unstructured data across the supply chain and the path to purchase – your brand can create a rich range of experiences that align with your customers’ values. Imagine building a loyalty programme around gamification, advanced geolocation, or personalised prizes. And that’s where our platform comes in. 

Salesforce has the data capabilities to provide companies with a better understanding of their customers - allowing them to communicate with them on a more personalised level and proactively meet their expectations. Providing in-depth insights across every customer interaction, our platform has helped organisations around the world build and scale loyalty initiatives that position them as a top choice among their peers. 

Loyalty Management from Salesforce will empower companies across industries, including energy and utilities, retail, consumer goods, manufacturing, travel and hospitality. It enables users to create engaging and effective loyalty programs with clicks, not code, so that technology can be quickly implemented and easily customised. 

Loyalty Management is integrated with Salesforce Digital 360Service Cloud, and Tableau – allowing digital leaders to deliver a connected loyalty experience across the entire customer journey.


Want to learn more about the role that data plays in building customer loyalty? Take a look at one of our recent customer success stories: How Schuh Reimagined Their Approach To Customer Loyalty.