Businesses in high tech industries have always been experts in what they do, but the constantly changing tides of the ‘next normal’ will demand a new focus - an expertise in people. As services have shifted online, high tech companies are having to raise the bar for customer and employee experience, whether they operate in a B2C or B2B context.

Our most recent High Tech Trends Report offers some fascinating insight and guidance into the changes that are rapidly affecting high tech industries globally, the drivers behind those changes, and how we predict they will evolve.

Compiled from the findings of some of the leading global technology, research and consultancy firms, we produced this report because we believe that the five core trends identified will play a critical role in the high tech sector over the next twelve months, and will meet the demands of their customers and stay competitive.

One thing that’s become clear is that a crisis breeds innovation, and while we did not get here overnight, the way that businesses operate, and how they interact with customers and employees, has been forever upended.

We can see that now the Pandora’s box of digital experience has been opened, there is no going back. It’s making waves across all industries, and becoming a catalyst for leaps in the adoption of technologies like AI, machine learning, automation and the Internet of Things.

Key trends like subscription service models, data and hyper automation will form essential pieces of the experience puzzle, helping meet the expectations of customers and driving loyalty, while supporting businesses to do more with less.

Everything will come together to form the concept of the ‘total customer and employee experience’. The report explains why and how technology must be used to build lasting, connected and empathetic experiences that add value far beyond the point of purchase, and challenge traditional barriers between customers and employees.

And this coming phase demands a zero trust approach to cyber security, as we explain the critical security changes that need to be put in place for a trustworthy and resilient digital future.

I hope that this report will give you valuable insight and inspiration. It’s our goal that, with the right technology and strategies in place, those in high tech industries can reinvent customer and employee relationships and create loyalty in the ever-changing digital landscape. Salesforce is here to help you understand and capitalise on these pivotal trends, building resilience for what lies ahead.


Learn More in our Top Trends in High Tech Report

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