A strong customer base means a strong business. As a leading global managed data service provider, SES Networks recognises the importance of helping its customers be the best they can. We talked to Elly Domene, Director of Global Customer Experience Management at SES Networks, about how sharing data and intelligent insights will help the company build long-term relationships and its customers achieve more.


Tell us about SES Networks

SES Networks is a company that goes beyond providing connectivity. We believe that everyone deserves access to not just connectivity, but affordable, high-performance services that will allow them to fully capitalise on the opportunities of the app-driven world. We focus on empowering our customers to make the most of their opportunities to drive more productive outcomes.

At SES Networks, we believe delivering a managed service approach makes it easier for our customers to bring more high-performance communications to more communities and organisations – driving greater achievements in social and economic development, e-learning, telemedicine, security and more.


Why is it important to be agile in your industry?

Competitive pressure and constant changes in customer demand keep us on our toes. To stay relevant, we need to be able to roll out new business models in different markets, which requires real agility.

For example, our customers increasingly want on-demand services, where they just pay for what they use. As we operate across multiple industries and regions, from telcos in Africa to cruise operators in the Caribbean, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for our customers. To keep ahead, we need to be able to understand and predict our customers’ needs - sometimes before they even realise what they are!


So how do you achieve that?

We track every stage of the customer journey in Salesforce, from when a prospect first contacts us through to onboarding, service delivery, billing, and renewals. We’re also starting to capture feedback, which means we can constantly take the pulse of our customer base.

With all this information recorded on a single platform, we can gain insights into trends and changing requirements.

Understanding our customers is just the first step; we also need to help them understand the end users of their services. We’ve set up a customer enablement team that is dedicated to empowering our customers, and a big part of this is about sharing data and intelligence.

With Einstein Analytics, we can create dashboards that show how end users are using customers’ Internet services. This helps them identify additional services they might want to bundle together, or new investment opportunities. The dashboards are so intuitive that it doesn’t take a highly trained technical expert to identify these insights - anyone can make intelligent correlations to help support their decision-making.


What advice would you give to other organisations exploring analytics?

It’s important to take the time to understand what’s possible before turning that into something actionable. With Salesforce, we can have a conversation, come up with an idea, and try it out within a few days. If it doesn’t work, we just try again until we get it right – we’re not limited by technology. We’ve found taking small steps rather than taking a big bang approach has worked really well for us.

Sharing insights and intelligence with customers can not only increase sales, but also build loyalty and trust. Read about how SES Networks is making its business more predictive and more productive.