Getting the most from your Salesforce investments? It means getting truly connected – integrating data from your ERP and back-office systems, building, customising and rolling out better apps, and ultimately delivering even more value to your customers.

It also means staying protected. Salesforce is the world’s most trusted cloud, but if you’re storing sensitive information or are subject to industry regulations, you’ll want to put measures in place to ensure absolute peace of mind.

To help, we’ve created native products that simplify data integration and data security – strengthening your Salesforce organisation, driving ROI, and letting you scale simply as you grow.

Why not just DIY?

You could, of course, tackle data integration and protection in-house, on a point-by-point basis.

But building custom API endpoints is slow work, and there’s more work to do when each new update arrives. Complying with industry regulations can be time and labour-intensive too, as you work to identify, implement and manage security measures covering everything from access management to long-term data archiving.

With Salesforce Connect and Salesforce Shield, getting the most from Salesforce gets a lot easier.

Data integration with Salesforce Connect

Data silos are doubly problematic.

  1. They slow down business users, by forcing them to interact with multiple systems to complete a single task. Worse, they prevent you from bringing all the information you have to bear during customer interactions – limiting the quality of your customer experience.
  2. Salesforce Connect lets you plug external data sources (SAP, Oracle, Workday…) into your Salesforce platform. And because it’s native, it updates when Salesforce does – saving your IT team extra effort, and preventing unexpected downtime.

Data protection with Salesforce Shield

Whether it’s customer details, financial data, or intellectual property, there’s some information you simply have to keep an eye on and know exactly who is accessing it and what they are doing with it. 

For one thing, you need to protect your organisation against data leaks, from external cyber-attacks to inside jobs. For another, you need to be able to quickly and clearly demonstrate compliance with industry regulations.

Salesforce Shield delivers a range of essential security and data protection features to help you sleep easy. It lets you:

  • Secure your data – with the option to encrypt fields, files and attachments
  • Monitor access – with insight into how employees are accessing information, and the power to block specific behaviours
  • Simplify auditing – with smart, automatic archiving, and an adjustable data retention period of up to ten years

Do we need Salesforce Connect and Salesforce Shield?

If you’re currently using Salesforce App, Service, Communities or Sales Cloud, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do we struggle to use back-office data such as product, inventory, and financial information to enhance our customer experience?
  • Do we spend a lot of time integrating external systems with Salesforce?
  • Do we ever suffer downtime as a result of updates?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these, Salesforce Connect can help. Now ask yourself:

  • Do you have sensitive data in your Salesforce solutions?
  • Do you wish you could monitor and control who’s accessing that data?
  • Do you have to demonstrate compliance with any industry regulations? 

Again, if you answered ‘yes’, it’s worth investigating Salesforce Shield.

Connect, protect and grow

Connecting siloed systems to Salesforce lets you make fresh use of information they contain, build smarter apps, and drive productivity.

Protecting your sensitive data, meanwhile, isn’t just common sense – it safeguards your customers and your organisation, and reduces the burden of regulatory compliance.

Both connecting and protecting are fundamental to getting the most from your Salesforce investments. To find out more join our Strengthen your Salesforce Org with Shield webinar