Great sales reps have many qualities. Customer insight, product knowledge, persuasiveness and confidence; all are key attributes for building successful sales relationships. But they don’t mean anything if the customer doesn’t trust you.

In any sales relationship, trust is built in a variety of ways. And while many reps do a great job of making buyers feel like they’re in good hands, a huge number of sales professionals are missing a key ingredient that helps build the most trusting, longest-lasting professional relationships.

Becoming A Trusted Advisor: The Right Frame for the Right Customer

One of the keys to building trust quickly and effectively is framing. This is the part where you slow down, restate the client’s challenges to show you’ve been listening to them and that you understand where they’re coming from, and start to work towards a potential solution.

Lots of reps are great at doing this from a rational point of view: sketching out the challenges, issues and obstacles, and suggesting ways to overcome them. But very few are adept at tackling less-rational forms of doubt and resistance.

That’s what our latest 'Trust Building in Sales' SlideShare is about. Flick though it now to discover:

  • The critical part of the framing process that almost every salesperson misses
  • Why it’s so important to trust-building
  • How to do it well

Trust Building in Sales: The risky technique that will fast-track you to trusted advisor status from Salesforce

Framing is an essential part of successful trust-building in sales. But there are plenty of other elements to consider as you build trust with customers. We interviewed Charles H. Green, co-author of the Trusted Advisor, who gives some fantastic insights into Mastering Trust in Sales Relationships with that you can't afford to miss.