In the fifth edition of Salesforce’s annual State of the Connected Customer report, which surveyed almost 17,000 global customers, 86% of consumers and 91% of enterprise purchasers agreed that the customer experience a company delivers is just as important as its products and services. 

It is no surprise, then, that companies are willing to invest in customer experience initiatives to attract, engage, and retain customers. It is equally important to periodically gauge the success of these initiatives and adapt processes where needed; customer experience metrics  can serve as a benchmark and help you keep an eye on customer feedback around your products and services. 

Customer experience metrics or customer experience KPIs help organisations understand how effective their customer interactions are, how customer experience projects are doing, and where there is a scope for  improvement. With this information, you can make informed choices to improve the customer experience, smoothening customer journeys and increasing customer loyalty in the process. 

Bonus: such customer experience KPIs can also help you secure more budget  for customer experience programmes by demonstrating their profitability.

Here are some key customer experience metrics that you should be tracking:

Putting the customer first with Salesforce

To deliver an exceptional customer experience, you need quality data, analytics, and a company-wide commitment to the 'customer-first' mindset. A modern, feature-rich CRM platform can boost these efforts by giving agents the resources they need to deliver timely and efficient service that improves the customer experience.

Salesforce Service Cloud provides a single, comprehensive view of each customer that helps businesses provide connected, consistent and personalised experiences. With automation, service agents are freed up to focus more on helping customers. Predictive AI baked into the solution can empower agents to deliver more proactive service, through recommended next steps, for instance. Simply put, Service Cloud helps you humanise interactions, while empowering your teams to do more with less.


Learn how Service Cloud can help you make smarter decisions around customer experience.

Check out Service Cloud.