All of us have looked for restaurants nearby or research papers and articles on a particular topic. There are many such critical moments in a customer’s journey when they seek immediate answers or actions. These are called micro-moments. Google defines it as:

Micro-moments occur when people reflexively turn to a device—increasingly a smartphone—to act on a need to learn something, do something, discover something, watch something, or buy something. They are intent-rich moments when decisions are made, and preferences shaped. In these moments, consumers' expectations are higher than ever.

Thanks to ever-increasing mobile penetration, micro-moments can happen anytime, anywhere. And powerful search engines put a world of information at consumers' fingertips. If a brand can provide the right products, services, information, or experiences at the right time, stronger connections can be formed and a sale made. However, real-time customer engagement has also been one of the top challenges brands face. To be successful, brands must:

  • be where their customers are, at the right time
  • provide relevant, useful information when customers seek it
  • deliver quick, engaging experiences every time

Enter Interaction Studio.

Interaction Studio is an interaction management solution that can help you get an in-depth understanding of your customers and prospects, and deliver relevant, personalised one-to-one engagement at scale. Here’s how Interaction Studio can help you leverage micro-moments:

1. Catch those micro-moments

To start connecting with your prospects and customers, get to know who they are and how they behave. Interaction Studio helps you identify your audiences across channels by matching known and anonymous users with named profiles.

Suppose a customer uses different email addresses to log into your branded app and to download a content asset from your website. Interaction Studio can combine this information with other existing data on this customer to help you determine if these actions were taken by the same person. You can also define the policies used to match identities, so your audience data is more accurate.

Similarly, Interaction Studio can help you understand your audiences' true interests, affinities, and intent by combining data like:

  • when they are active or inactive online
  • the emails they open and the links they click on
  • call centre interactions or store visits
  • transaction data from any source
  • responses from personalised surveys

2. Be there in the moment

When you better understand customer behaviour, you can connect with them at the right time and place. And the more you know about your customers, the more you can personalise these real-time experiences. 

For instance, based on your customer's past shopping and browsing behaviour, you know that they wear a size medium and prefer athleisure apparel. So, the next time they visit your website or app, you can recommend the products and lookbooks that best suit their taste. You can further refine your recommendations based on factors such as search terms, geolocation, weather, data sources, etc. to perfect micro-moments marketing.

Interaction Studio enables you to customise and manage the algorithms and rules that determine how each audience segment's experience is personalised. This means you can deliver the next best actions, recommendations, or offers based on where you want your audiences to go next in their journey while factoring in the value it adds to your business.

3. Connect better with time

Consumer behaviour is constantly changing and you need to evolve your strategies to keep them engaged. With Interaction Studio tools like A/B testing and simulations powered by Machine Learning (ML), you can play out the experiences delivered on any channel. Then, fine-tune them to optimise conversions, clickthrough rates, and revenues on your campaigns. You can also analyse campaign performance, segment membership trends, engagement levels based on easily defined audience segments.

To maximise profits, you can define each campaign’s key metrics and goals and align them with your overall business goals.

Build brand loyalty through real-time customer engagement

80% of customers say experiences are as important as the products or services a company provides. The prompter and more personalised experiences are, the happier your customers will be. Interaction Studio enables you to decode your customer’s engagement patterns to understand their true intent and affinities. 

You can combine Interaction Studio with other engagement tools (like Journey Builder) to engage your customers in seamless, personalised ways and make the most of potential-rich micro-moments.