Every day almost 320 billion emails are sent and received globally. By 2025 the email user population is expected to reach 4.6 billion. That’s more than half the current world population. If the sheer popularity of emails is not enough to convince you of its ability to reach more people, here are some other reasons that make email marketing powerful:

  • Cost-effective: Many great email automation platforms are affordable and available on a pay-per-use basis.
  • Easy to implement: Whether you want to reach 100 or 100,000 customers, you can use an email automation tool to keep your campaigns running 24x7.
  • Proven results: Email marketing continues to return high ROI, conversion, and click-through rates.

But it is easier to ignore marketing-related emails when everyone's inboxes are already inundated. That's why it is important to stand out and grab your audiences’ attention at the right time. Here are some email marketing tips to help you improve your strategy:

Having a shorter, more focused emailing list is always better than longer ones that include people who are not interested in the information you share or your products.

Landing pages and forms are a great place to gather the data of interested audiences, like contact details and user preferences. Then, you can easily segment your audiences based on their location, age, industry, etc. using an email automation tool. This will help you find the right customers for each of your offerings and have more relevant conversations with them.

Email marketing tools can also help identify the most engaged audiences so you can further zero in your efforts on the people that are most likely to convert.

No one opens or engages with emails that seem irrelevant to them. And if your emails have consistently low open rates, they’ll eventually get caught by spam filters.

To avoid this, ensure you have a clear idea of the intent and expected impact of your emails. This way, you can convey the right message in the right language, tone, and sequence, making it more likely to elicit the intended sentiments and actions in your audiences.

So, before you launch an email campaign, clearly map the journey you want to take your audiences on and craft your messaging based on its specific stages. For instance, you can launch a drip campaign to gradually create awareness about your industry, niche markets, product categories, etc. among new audiences.

There is nothing wrong with plain text emails. These can work well for certain audiences. If you are sending HTML, image, or design-based emails, make sure these emails are optimised for mobile. Otherwise, these may not appear correctly for audiences who access their inboxes on mobile.

Some ways you can generate higher engagement through emails are:

  • Using dynamic content blocks that display different text or imagery in real-time based on audience data
  • Using customisable templates to quickly build beautiful, engaging emails
  • Delivering AI-powered, highly personalised content recommendations
  • Leading readers directly to specific and customised landing pages and destinations instead of a generic home page

Automation’s benefits are too good to miss out on. It doesn't just help you save time, but also reach more people at any time with minimal effort. You can plan your emails in advance and schedule them to reach the right audiences when they’re most likely to open them.

You can also set action-based triggers to send emails that are in line with audiences’ journey with your brand, like sending a welcome email to new subscribers or a thank you email for recent purchases.

Using a smart email automation tool can also enable you to A/B test your emails and automatically generate performance reports, so your campaigns always hit the mark.

Emails are a great way to create one-on-one engagements with your audiences. And these email marketing tips can help you make your campaigns more effective. With a solution like Salesforce’s Email Studio, you can use easy drag-and-drop segmentation tools to hone your subscriber list. It also allows you to easily build beautiful, engaging emails with best-in-class design templates and dynamic messages that inspire action.

Watch this demo to see how Email Studio can help you create tailored, relevant email marketing campaigns with cross-channel functionality.