Edelweiss Global Wealth Management has made significant strides on its quest to be the world’s most customer-centric wealth management company.

Since adopting Salesforce, the company’s customer satisfaction rates have jumped from 78% to 92%. Teams are better able to monitor customer sentiment, personalise services, and resolve issues. Financial advisors have a single view of all customer interactions and profiles to transform the client-advisor experience.

This laser-sharp focus on customer satisfaction hasn’t diminished in the wake of COVID-19.


Putting customers first

With life thrown out of gear during the pandemic, customers are understandably anxious about their investments.

In response, the company has accelerated digital transformation and adoption across its value chain. Customers continue to have 24/7 access to their funds and to financial advisors. They can set up a new account, place orders, access money, liquidate funds, and more.

To process these orders smoothly, the Salesforce platform gives employees access to all the data they need on customers and transactions right from their mobile devices.

Anshu Kapoor, Head of Wealth Management at Edelweiss explains how technology has allowed the company to support customers during the pandemic.



Taking care of employees

While it continues to engage customers, Edelweiss hasn’t lost sight of its top priority at this time – keeping employees safe.

The company has set up a central helpdesk and multiple other digital channels through which employees can report issues they might be facing, including potential COVID-19 symptoms. Meanwhile, leaders are connecting with teams on a daily basis to keep their morale up.

“We’re committed to taking care of our teams, beyond just providing them with the digital tools they need,” says Anshu Kapoor emphatically. “Their physical, emotional, and mental well-being is of utmost importance to us.”


Staying focused

The pandemic may have caught many organisations off-guard. But the fact that Edelweiss has continued to manage capital market trades everyday with minimal disruption is a testament to the company’s agility and responsiveness.

“With every crisis comes opportunity,” points out Kapoor. “Our readiness to continue serving customers was our biggest opportunity.”