New age customers are looking for a personalised digital banking experience. So how can banks ensure they deliver online experiences with accuracy?

To excel at customer and employee journeys in banking, financial institutions need to ensure they understand their clients. Needs and expectations have altered dramatically over the last year. So organisations must work hard to meet those needs. 

As a result, Salesforce and Capgemini digitalisation experts have collaborated to humanise the digital banking experience.


Delivering a seamless digital banking experience

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the customer/bank relationship. An increasing number of individuals prefer dealing with their bank from their home rather than visiting a branch. 

It was already true for money transfers, ordering a debit/credit card, etc. but this digital trend is also growing for advice fields. Banks that provide seamless digital banking experiences will lead the competitive landscape. 

According to the recent World Retreat ail Banking report, 70% of banking customers are not satisfied with responsiveness over continuity of the relationship. Furthermore, 67% of them don’t feel well supported by their bank. This must change! Banks must invest in strengthening trust to ensure future growth. 


Is H2H Banking the key?

H2H Banking refers to both human-2-human and home-2-home. It’s a unique concept driven through a digital solution powered by Salesforce Financial Services Cloud. It puts customers back at the centre of the banking journey. 

A more digital experience is key for customers, but how can it improve the client/financial advisor relationship? The challenge is to bring the branch to the customer’s house through an excellent virtual digital service

By reshaping the way customers and advisors engage, H2H Banking, enabled by Salesforce and Capgemini, benefits both the customers and the banks themselves.


The future of H2H and digital banking experiences

H2H Banking helps reinforce the links between customers and banks. Some functionalities like video conferencing and accurate search capabilities to find the right person to engage at the branch make customers feel more connected. H2H will also provide the banker a unified customer view! 

Front and back officers can reunite around the customer project and join forces to offer world-class service. Everything can be performed on the platform, either through one-to-one or with extended team meetings. It’s even possible to include third-party actors like notaries or chartered accountants.

Our customers in the financial services industry have already reported that salesforce helped increase their revenue if they focus on a humanised banking experience. They increased customer satisfaction and gained more opportunities for cross-selling. With a streamlined process throughout the entire customer experience, productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction will increase.

The automation powered through our platform saves advisors and back offices agents time on routine tasks. This enables them to focus more on building sustainable and robust relationships. H2H Banking helps: 

  • Improve business lines’ cost to income ratio

  • Increase customer loyalty

  • Provides hands-on experiences for everyone

To find out more about how H2H Banking can help you to humanise the digital banking experience, watch this short fireside chat between Cyril Cymbler, Head of Financial Services practice for EMEA & ASEAN at Salesforce, and Jean-Dominique Trouillard, VP Head of Digital France, Head of Salesforce CoE Europe, Capgemini Financial Service.

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