The coming of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, along with disruptive automation and smart technologies, are fundamentally changing the workforce of the future. Some of the tools we’ve come to rely on are disappearing, and are being replaced by new capabilities like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. 

Some of these technologies have already been implemented, making the change less dramatic. Others have the potential for major workplace shifts that emphasise human skills.

Here are some predictions on what the future job market and workplace may look like.

The elimination of email

Emails and meetings tie up workers, but digital tools like work management platforms are allowing employees to work smarter. More organisations are incorporating tools that help align work and strategy to keep employees working on specific tasks on a timeline. 

For example, the collaborative productivity software Quip from Salesforce allows real-time document collaboration and embedded documents within records and processes. This allows all employees on a project to create, edit and update documents to ensure everyone is kept in the loop and on track with a project.
Real-time document collaboration, so your teams can easily create, discuss, and execute on Account Plans, Opportunity Notes, Live Deal Feeds and much more.

Personal chatbots

Employees can spend a lot of time instant messaging. The rise of artificial intelligence is allowing personal chatbots to focus on administrative tasks, so employees can take care of more important work. Chatbots can communicate with co-workers, share updates and manage to-do lists.

Data-driven decision-making

Products that organise data in a productive way will be implemented in more companies, so data analysts and scientists will be necessary to interpret data. Products that organise data in meaningful ways will become more commonplace.
Decision makers need to monitor on-going engagement, get powerful analytics, visualise reports to take timely action and gain predictive insights.

Intelligent work management 

In addition to data and chatbots, intelligent work management platforms can take over project and task management by automating repeatable workflows and promoting collaboration with centralised projects. This will allow managers to spend more time on important work and less time on administrative tasks.

Rise of innovation

Combining existing technologies that automate administrative tasks frees employees to innovate and use data to drive strategic work. The employee of the future can see how their work aligns directly with the strategic initiatives of the company and the bottom line.

Collaboration with automation

Though many people are afraid that robots will take over jobs, the workplace of the future is more about AI and employees working together. Automation will affect nearly every job, but few will be fully automated. People and AI can work together to allow employees to focus on human tasks, such as effective teamwork, critical thinking, skill-building and training, and more.

Creative roles

With automation taking over mundane tasks, human work will be creative work. Humans can spend less time with redundant spreadsheets, emails and meetings, and more time thinking and innovating.

Connected workplaces

Digitised future workplaces will be focused on connectivity that streamlines workflow, collaboration and creativity. Employees will be connected to each other and the company, making collaboration, workflows and the creative process more streamlined. 

How leaders can prepare

The future workplace is dependent upon creative, strategic and innovative thinkers who are given the tools to focus their time on important tasks. In this environment, leaders should do their best to provide employees with the tools and skills they need to succeed, imagine and innovate.

Blaise Roulet, Area Vice President and Country Leader Switzerland, Salesforce, said "Our world is moving fast, and everyday we see technologies come to life that we couldn’t even imagine 10 or even 5 years ago." Discover how Salesforce Switzerland helps every single Swiss company transform and succeed in the digital world.