How we consume free-to-air content continues to evolve, with television streaming services and broadcast video-on-demand increasingly becoming the norm. 

And when we talk about content, we don’t just mean the TV shows you love to binge. Your consumers know that advertising is a given — but they expect it to be relevant to them. In fact, consumers are more likely to share their data in exchange for personalised marketing offers. For broadcasters, audience-centricity means being cognizant of what audience segments are interested in and where they are tuning in from so they can deliver seamless experiences across platforms. 

Broadcasters like Seven West Media are responding to this need by elevating their digital advertising capabilities. Learn how Seven West Media is embracing this evolution by embarking on its largest-ever technology transformation project.

Focusing On Future-Proofing

The media industry has evolved from a business-centric one to consumer-centric one. Growth and success are predicated on how well you provide personalised content to your audience. As Charlotte Valente, Chief Marketing Officer at Seven West Media puts it: “At the centre of everything we do is the people we connect and engage with. We call this audience-centricity — everything starts and finishes with the customer.”

To achieve this, Seven West Media needed a converged media planning and campaign tracking solution as well as a single source of truth for data and reporting. They turned to Salesforce to supercharge its digital transformation, investing in a CRM solution as well as Media Cloud.

“Salesforce enables us to digitally transform our processes and will fuel the accelerated growth of cross-screen planning, buying and insights trading,” says Kurt Burnette, Chief Revenue Officer at Seven West Media. 

“Our evolved platform will create a foundation for future technology evolution and allow us to consolidate our customer data and aggregate audience insights across digital, metro and regional TV content. It also allows for real-time optimisation to deliver the most successful campaigns for advertisers across Australia.” 

The Salesforce solution means that all departments can access data insights, which will help them evolve their offerings to best suit their audiences.

Putting Audience-Centricity First

Seven West Media is working to revolutionise TV trading in Australia by launching its audience automation platform, CODE 7+ — a digital and broadcast converged media trading platform. The solution enables Australian advertisers to experience faster, more effective and easier buying on the Seven Network. 

Meanwhile, CRM boosts marketers’ ability to trade Seven and 7plus across capital city and regional markets, together with the evolution of dynamic, converged television buying across broadcast and digital platforms. 

These elevations will help Seven West Media deliver content and ads that mirror consumption behaviours. On the advertiser’s end, this platform will automate bookings and offer guaranteed delivery so they can seamlessly trade across the Seven media ecosystem.

Lessons Learned Along The Way

Of course, this is a major implementation that’s still underway. Large business-altering transformation efforts are underpinned by the people making it happen. So how can other businesses make the leap? 

Gereurd Roberts, Chief Digital Officer at Seven West Media suggests starting by rethinking the process. Don’t just focus on the end goal, he says. Think of the process as a series of small successes that ladder up to an overall goal.   

“Regardless of what transformation you're going through, every transformation is a people-based transformation,” says Roberts. 

“People are responsible for implementing the tech, the outcomes and determining the parameters. The success of the transformation is bringing your people on the journey and involving them.”

Gereurd’s biggest tip for getting people on board? “There are two questions you’ll probably get asked that you have to feel confident answering,” he shares. 

“The first will be: ‘What does this change mean for the organisation?’ and the second is ‘How will this change affect my job and how can I get the support and training I need?”

Be prepared to confidently answer these questions and show your team how the tech will make their jobs more efficient. 

Want to hear more from Seven West Media? Watch the session on Salesforce+.

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