For individual organisations, the marketing data landscape can be overwhelming (to say the least), with individual marketers using an average of 13 different marketing and advertising platforms. But what if there was a way to no longer have to juggle such a volume of information sources, but bring them together into one place, integrate them, and take insight-driven action on future integrated marketing and advertising spend?

Enter Datorama, Salesforce’s all-in-one time-saving marketing platform, that allows you to connect, analyse and take action on all your marketing spend data, impressing your boss so you can both clock off early for the day. 

Datorama’s integrated marketing capabilities are wide-ranging, so we challenged Salesforce’s Dan Scodellaro, Product Marketing Lead, Digital350 - ASEAN, to break down the marketing solution in 2 minutes or less.

Let’s see how he fared!

Speed and sophistication in one marketing platform

Well there you have it! Dan faced the challenge head on and now you know that disconnected marketing and advertising data sources are a thing of the past. 

The best news? Once Datorama is set up, AI technology does most of the work for you in the background. From a library of every single imaginable marketing platform, you select and customise those on which you spend your hard-earned time and money, and connect all that marketing data together on an integrated dashboard. 

From that dashboard, your integrated marketing and advertising data will then tell you which sources deserve more and less of an investment, and when. We like to think of Datorama as a future time saver. 

To read more about why Datorama is such a necessary addition to your marketing world, check out the latest Marketing Intelligence Report.