These days, it’s not enough for marketers to know an individual customer’s general online interactions and behaviours. The more personal the relationship between business and consumer, the more rewards are reaped on both sides. 

Which is why Salesforce Interaction Studio exists — to make that customer relationship a real-time, personalised experience. So, what is Interaction Studio? Well, we challenged Tina Rozul, Director of Product Marketing at Salesforce, to explain what this marketing technology is all about in 90-seconds or less. 

Let’s see how she fared!

Knowing the customer interactions as well as they know themselves

Nice! Tina managed to redefine our understanding of real-time marketing in the amount of time it takes to order a flat white.

To borrow a page from Tina’s book, Interaction Studio takes customer generalities and turns them into real-time specifics. It takes an individual customer’s online behaviour and feeds that preference into a personalised customer profile.

But what makes this customer profile different is that it is always evolving. Every interaction Tina makes during her online shopping experiences reshapes that profile - so that she’s not only reminded of that particular pair of sneakers, but if her shoe-browsing habits change (whether by style, colour or brand) after the fact, so too will the kinds of offers and reminders she receives. 

People’s tastes are always changing. What you were interested in last week is not necessarily what you’re into this week. It's why communicating with your customers as individuals instead of numbers is so important. And why having the right relationship management tool to help you achieve your personalisation dream can help. 

To discover the dream of real-time, 1-to-1 personalisation, read the following report.