Salesforce Live: Australia and New Zealand is good at taking us by surprise and this session’s game show format certainly did that. No matter who you were cheering for — Trailblazing customer or home team — everyone came out grinning. Marketing strategies have never been more fun – or more sparkly.  


Did you catch our world first Salesforce Live: A&NZ 50 Pro Marketing Tips Gameshow? No? You don’t know what you missed! 

Pamela Samathivathanachai, Product Marketing Director, Digital 360, resplendent in sequins, was our fun - but strict - gameshow host. The contestants were a formidable bunch. For Team Einstein there was Robert Lopez from Norths Collective, Bridie Smith from OFX gave it her all for Team Codey, and Leandro Perez represented Team Cloudy. 

No one so much as flinched in the face of some pretty hairy questions and their responses shed fresh light on the challenges and opportunities marketers are facing. 

Want to know who the winner was? Watch the session or read on!

The competition heats up over data and testing

Robert nailed the first question about how data is the key to hyper personalised customer journeys. Norths Collective divides their data up into transaction, habitual and demographic data and segments their audience to ensure there’s no “one size fits all” approach to marketing. The result? Customer engagement has soared. Their open rate is 50% compared to the industry standard of 18% and they have a 20% click through rate — ten times the industry standard. 

Robert’s winning response was a hard act to follow but Leandro gave it his best shot when it came to testing and learning. “A year ago, we were putting Salesforce World Tour together for 10,000 people. When we decided to go virtual, we had only ten days to pivot.” The key to getting it right? Testing every day to figure out the best way to bring that physical experience online. “We ended up having 80,000 people tune in on the Salesforce Live streaming channel and 1.5 million on the social stream. The lesson? Never give up and test no matter what.”

Bridie’s moment to shine came with a question about the role of feedback and reviews in marketing strategies. At OFX, new customers are invited to submit a review after their first transfer. “We get two or three every day so we are getting consistent feedback. Lots of 5-star reviews mean we know we’re doing the right thing but other reviews are a great source for showing us where we can do better.”

The answer is: DATA! Or is it DATA? How do you pronounce it?

ROI and new marketing metrics take the spotlight

Next up was another winning response from Robert on balancing ROI and customer experience — the gold star of marketing success. At North Collective, they’re reducing wastage in digital advertising by suppressing segments for whom some Facebook advertisements are not relevant. Save money and improve experience? Yes please. 

And speaking of customer experience, Bridie took back the limelight with her response to how engagement is an increasingly important metric for marketers to employ. “We put the customer in the centre, map out the lifecycle for each client type, then align marketing action with moments that matter.” Rich data means deep personalisation and the right marketing tech means scaling that personalisation.

Repeat after us: Engagement, engagement, engagement.

And the winner is...

It was neck and neck at this point with Leandro leaping in for the final question: is marketing an art or a science? Both, said Leandro. The art of marketing is being able to cut through noise with consistent messaging and branding, and the science of marketing looks to great tech to harness all the data that’s becoming available. 

We were on tenterhooks as host Pamela announced the winner: You! With the 50 Pro Marketing Tips ebook just a click away, and the insights of today’s contestants ringing in your ears, how could you not feel like a winner?