In an age of tech-savvy customers and digital disruption, it’s important that financial services companies keep their finger on the pulse of what people want and need. During the recent Salesforce Live: A&NZ Financial Services Episode, three finserv leaders shared their advice for how to translate these insights into products people love. 


Consumer behaviour is changing, and this is extremely apparent in the financial services industry. New challengers are emerging to disrupt the status quo, and customers now have more choices in who they bank with, buy insurance from, or contact for a loan. The past year has also made everyone more comfortable engaging with brands and services online, and customers are more digitally savvy than ever. 

This changing landscape means that creating a great digital customer experience can become a powerful differentiator. How to accomplish this was a hot topic during the recent Salesforce Live: A&NZ Financial Services Episode. During a panel discussion on the future of products and distribution, three finserv leaders shared how technology can be used to create products and services that exceed customer expectations. 

Here’s a snapshot of what they had to say: