Salesforce and Boston Consulting Group have collaborated to understand more about customer expectations of government in a new research report, "The Trust Imperative: Why Customer Experience in Government Matters".

More than 1,600 individual and business customers, and 20 government leaders were interviewed for the report, which explores the factors shaping customer experience when dealing with governments, the role of trust and the opportunity for governments in Australia and New Zealand to transform service delivery. 

People at all levels of digital literacy report that the basic digital functionality of government services is not meeting the public’s standards. Most people expect government services to be easy to use and basic digital functionality is essential. 

Why is this important? Because digital experience has a profound impact on trust. An independent panel commissioned by the Australian Government and led by David Thodey set a goal last year for ‘a trusted APS, united in serving all Australians’. Trust, the first part of that equation, in turn enables the final part – serving all Australians – by shaping customers’ attitudes towards sharing the data that governments can use to improve services.

"The Trust Imperative: Why Customer Experience in Government Matters" report explores the growing evidence base for taking a customer experience view of government service delivery. The report identifies three steps for how governments can become leaders in customer experience: 

  1. Unlocking talent

  2. Working with industry in new ways

  3. Building technology and digital infrastructure to support ongoing innovation

Download the report today.