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Government Speaker Series
Salesforce ANZ hosted its inaugural Government Speaker Series on 7 June 2016 with NSW Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation, Victor Dominello.
The Minister covered a wide range of areas including providing his perspectives on which companies and government agencies were considered most innovative; the value of data, particularly in real time - to be able to make accurate decisions; the need for government employees be provided a ‘safe harbour’ for risk; and the 7 D’s of Digital Transformation (Data, digital, direct, displayed, dissection, DNA, 3rd dimension).
The Minister covered the challenges of securing legislation for the creation of the new NSW Data Analytics Centre - established to overcome agency siloes and apply whole of government data analytics to strategic decision-making
The NSW Data Analytics Centre (DAC) facilitates data sharing between agencies to inform more efficient, strategic, whole-of-government evidence based decision making.
The DAC functions include: deliver priority analytics projects using whole of government data in a secure environment; advise on NSW government challenges and potential solutions using data analytics; establish and maintain a register of data assets; advise on making de-identified data open to the public; and advise on best practice data analytics, cyber security and privacy measures.
Other areas covered during the session included data analytics; improved procurement measures; and progress of government digitisation.
The Minister outlined further details of the NSW Government’s innovation agenda would be outlined in the impending release of the NSW Innovation Strategy. Details of the NSW Innovation Strategy consultation can be found here.