As Head of Marketing for Asia Pacific, I’m not always able to attend many of the break-out sessions at our Salesforce events. However, when the World Tour hit Melbourne last week I made time to hear Jon Satterley, Group Director of Digital Development at Village roadshow talk to our own Derek Laney.

Jon has been driving a digital transformation program at Village Roadshow since he joined the company two years ago, using the Salesforce Marketing Cloud as his Marketing Automation platform. Jon shared some great advice : 

  1. Prove your worth - demonstrate to the C-Suite how your digital program is moving the dial, ensuring you have a “robust measurement system”.
  2. Bring people with you - when you join an organisation. Ensure you are not only "putting the customer at the heart of what you do" but you are taking a "data driven" approach. This will enable you to focus on a whole new set of metrics.
  3. Resource your tools - too often organisations deploy new software to assist in transformation projects but do not resource them sufficiently. This does not lead to good ROI. “sending a poor message internally and externally.
  4. Hire well - experienced product managers who can map the customer journey to the product roadmap. This expertise reaffirms your credibility with the C-Suite.

If you think about Jon's challenge to transform a company traditionally focused on physical distribution to a new online model. 

The core competencies you have as a physical distributor in a pure-play digital world mostly don’t mean much.

The shift in mindset to achieve this transformation is huge. Roles and responsibilities need to change, new tools need to be adopted and leadership needs to buy in. It was inspiring to hear the success Jon is having with the Marketing Cloud, and how he is starting to engage with customers in a whole new way, by delivering personalised relevant digital content along the customer journey.

