What if you could enable your customers to help themselves – and one another – while building brand loyalty and freeing up your staff to focus on the complex questions?

Whether you are starting a small business or growing your small business letting your customers help themselves and each other with social and mobile technology is big business.

In June, Salesforce ran the Engage Your Customers, Increase Revenue and Reduce Your Costs webinar showcasing how a small business customer, Nvoi, is growing their small business and revenues using Salesforce Communities so their customers can help themselves.

3 Reason You Need to Have Customers Helping Themselves

  1. Customer service is essential to your business success. We know how important it is to keep customers. Customer service can help you earn more.  According to Fifth Quadrant – 70% of customers would spend up to 18% more with a company that offers great customer service.  Check out the Customer Experience Strategy whitepaper for more details.  
  2. Whether you like it or not your customers are in the driver’s seat. It is easier than ever for your customers to  walk away.  Competition has never been more fierce with competitors trying to steal business.  According to Lee Resources, 91% of of unhappy customers will not willingly do business with you again. Connecting your customers to each other makes happy customers. 
  3. Your customers want to help themselves to the answers. Whether through your website, social networks or online forums – many customers prefer to look on their own. Customers want social collaboration and mobile access to answer questions for other customers, quickly find the information they need, or work with service reps to resolve issues.

The webinar recording features a demonstration of Salesforce Communities and a Q&A with Mark Rowlands, founder of small business Nvoi.  Mark talks about how Nvoi is using Salesforce Communities to help their customer groups engage directly any time, anywhere, in a secure environment.

Check out another great ANZ SMB story about how Upskilled delivers amazing customer service.

Watch the Engage Your Customers, Increase Revenue and Reduce Your Costs webinar recording to find out why your business plan must include customers helping themselves 


Watch a demo of Salesforce1 Communities to see how  branded communities enable you to connect with customers, partners, employees, and products on one seamless, secure platform.
