What I love about being a digital marketer is the landscape is constantly changing and this is a really exciting space to be in.

I like to keep myself up to date with the latest marketing trends in Australia and New Zealand. If you are like me then you should subscribe to the ExactTarget Marketing Cloud Weekly Email Newsletter called "Spark".  

This is not intended to be a shameless plug, but it's the very reason I am writing this blog post. "Spark" revealed to me a very interesting report that highlights marketing trends in Australasia. I'll provide a link to where you can download the report at the bottom on this post.

2014 Marketing Trends Report Summary

The 28 page report is packed with excellent insights from over 200 marketers across Australia, New Zealand and Asia. For those that don't have time to download and read the full report, here is an infographic from the report.


Where are marketers spending their budget this year?

As this "State of Marketing" research is conduceted each year by ExactTarget Marketing Cloud, we can see the trends in Marketers plan year to year. Marketers in Australia and NZ plan to increase investments in these areas:

  1. Data and Analytics (63%)
  2. Email Marketing (62%)
  3. Marketing Automation (61%)
  4. SMS messaging (57%)
  5. Content Management (56%) 

What are marketers top priorities in 2014?

The report also shows that marketers are focussed on the following key areas:

  1. Increasing conversion rates (49%)
  2. Increasing and improving brand awareness (41%)
  3. Improving data acquisition efforts (31%)


I've just skimmed the surface, but if you want all the details - download the full 2014 State of Marketing report.



Are you seeing the same trends in your business, maybe you disagree, what are your thoughts?

Feel free to provide comments on this report below.