I have been doing search marketing for over a decade now (wow that makes me sound old) and if you do the maths, you'll see that I was optimising websites prior to Google's IPO in 2004. That's right, I was optimising sites to rank well on Lycos, Altavista and Yahoo, back in the day.
I enjoyed the roller coaster ride of Google algorithm updates such an Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird. I wouldn't be doing search if I wasn't into the thrill of it.
I'm grateful to every company I've worked for as I've learnt a different search marketing skills along the way:
Citect: My first job taught me online marketing fundamentals: HTML coding, web design principles, managing web servers, logfiles analysis and how to improve search rankings.
Fairfax Media: This role shifted my search in the fast lane. SMH.com.au is one of many high traffic sites I worked on as the "in-house search guy". If a big news story was not optimised for SEO and we didn't buy SEM keywords, we would lose tonnes of traffic.
Microsoft: took my search skill onto the global stage. Working on a global domain was very different to a .com.au. I also got to spend huge dollars on SEM to launch products like Windows 7, Office 2010 etc.
I enjoyed every job, every challenge and I was able to deliver increasing amount of search traffic, but there was always this BIG question...
What impact does my search campaigns have on the bottom line?
It wasn't until I joined Salesforce.com, my life as a search marketer has changed forever. I was now able to measure each and every keyword I was buying down to leads and pipeline delivered to the business (see below).
I am going to share with you the slides that I presented at Web Analytics Wednesday in Sydney on the 23rd July, 2014.
This presentation will takes you through Step-by-Step each part of my SEM funnel and how I optimise my Paid Search campaigns using data gathered in the CRM system to maximise ROI. I will showcase tips on:
This post focusses on SEM (Paid Search) and doesn't talk about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). But if you want to learn more about SEO here is another blog post where I share with you some SEO Tips to improve your rankings.
Or, download this free eBook to read all the excellent comments and advise from SEO experts:
If you have any questions please leave a comment send me a message via LinkedIn or Tweet to @markvozzo.