It was only going to be a matter of time before Google killed off providing keyword data all together. But don't say we didn't provide some warning. One of our resident SEO experts here at Salesforce, Stuart Leung, wrote a blog about the Keyword "Not Provided" situation back last Oct 2012.

But for those of you who happened to miss it, or don't know what I'm on about, here are some great references:

- Goodbye, Keyword Data: Google Moves Entirely to Secure Search (Search Engine Watch)

- The Impact of Encrypted Google Searches on Online Marketing (Search Engine Journal)

In a nutshell, Google no longer provides what keywords your customers typed in to Google search to find your web site.

So this has just made my job (as the SEO guy looking after APAC sites at just a little bit more difficult. 

But do not fear, help is here. I want to share with you some free resources that can assist you navigate your way through this change and remain on top of search engines and continue to get all the traffic you deserve. 


1) Ebook: SEO Experts reveal the truth about Marketing

This free eBook (scroll down for the link) brings together the sharpest minds in the SEO industry. Read the thoughtful perspectives and recommendations of Rand Fishkin (CEO of Moz), Jim Yu (CEO of Brightedge), Marshall Simmonds (former Chief of Search at NY Times), Duane Forrester (Director of Search at Bing), Adam Audette (Chief Knowledge Officer at RKG) and other CEOs about the marketing relationships between search and social.

Below is an infographic that summarises the key comments from the eBook:


Download this free eBook to read all the excellent comments and advise at:

Download Ebook: SEO experts reveal the truth about marketing


2) Report: Search Engine Ranking Factors (by Moz)

This is a truly excellent resource for all people running Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) campaigns. I've blogged and presented on the topic "SEO Essentials for SMBs" at CeBit 2013 and ran a recent webinar to help our customers get ranked on Google (slides are available) so one might think I'm quite well versed on the topic, but this report is something I constantly refer to as it's the collective thinking of over 100 SEO professionals from across the globe.

Here is what the report is about...

Every two years, Moz runs a Ranking Factors study to determine which attributes of pages and sites have the strongest association with ranking highly in Google. The study consists of two parts: a survey of professional SEOs and a large correlation study. 

I was very honored to be selected to participate in this survey. View the blog post and summary of the report - 2013 Search Engine Ranking Factors

Here is the full report (for the stats geeks amongst us) - Survey and Correlation Data

But this is a nice summary pie chart of the results:



I was in San Francisco for Dreamforce 2013 and I had the pleasure of catching up with Rand Fishkin after his session "10 Ways Marketing Automation and Inbound Marketing Work Together: Marketo & Moz". Below is a picture of Rand on stage at Dreamforce.


Rand's Whiteboard Friday is amazing and I've learnt so much from him. Here's a link to his video titled "When Keyword (not provided) is 100 Percent of Organic Referrals, What Should Marketers Do?"  


Photo: Rand Fishkin and Mark Vozzo (me) during our catch up at Dreamforce 2013 after his superb breakout session!


About Mark Vozzo  (@markvozzo)

I've been a online marketer for nearly 15 years and I'm very passionate about search marketing and inbound marketing. I currently manage the inbound marketing programs across APAC for Salesforce. For more information about me please visit my Linkedin Profile. Follow me on Twitter: @markvozzo .


If you found this useful, why not share it on Facebook or Twitter. Please share your comments below. Don't forget to download the ebook.