Audience is a thought provoking reframe of the methods for utilising earned media by my colleague Jeffrey K. Rohrs (He assures me, he was using JKR well before Quidditch was conceived). Jeff believes those who attract audiences rather than renting those of others using paid media are at a significant competitive advantage.

Taking a cross channel lens, partly influenced by his time with the Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud, Jeff lays out a path to building audiences which first examines the different behaviour of SEEKERS, JOINERS and AMPLIFIERS and how they relate to SUBSCRIBERS, FANS and FOLLOWERS.

Filled with interesting examples and easy to follow thinking, Audience is a must for any marketer seeking to utilise content marketing or social media marketing or those looking to understand how to build earned media.

I particularly like the section on "the Art of Asking", discussing the ideas of Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls who moved to a fan-based funding model for her work which creates a value exchange between her and those whose couch she crashes at while couch-surfing her way around the world on one of her many tours.

Also recommended for sometimes lamented email-marketers looking to find swagger to go with their highly effective digital activities. A channel is just a channel an audience is the coveted object.

Check it out on kindle now

Or join Jeff and Myself at Dreamforce where we'll be hearing the tale live (hopefully spoken-word style wearing smoking jackets). There will be shows at 11:30AM and 3PM, try the veal.



And if you can't join us in person at Dreamforce, join us at our ANZ Customer Company Roadshow in early December. For all the details and to register, click here