Waste management isn’t necessarily what immediately springs to mind when you think of great customer service, and that’s because it’s low involvement. As long as waste is collected as scheduled, people tend not to give it a second thought.

But, times they are a-changing. According to Kate Leighton, Group Customer Service Manager, Transpacific Industries Group, “People want to be more involved in decisions about their waste, including what gets recycled and where it ends up – we’re becoming increasingly eco-aware as a nation.”

"It’s not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin

Leighton’s absolutely right; we are in the middle of a customer revolution that puts the power in their hands. Companies that fail to change with the times – to equip themselves to answer customers’ enquires on every channel and to offer service excellence across a range of service level agreements - risk fading into the background.

Leighton is currently leading a program at Transpacific for delivering customer service excellence based on the Salesforce Service Cloud. “When you take a ‘connect everyone’ view, the possibilities are endless,” she says. “What if a collection driver were able to log a case from a mobile tablet in his truck, to report an obstruction to the collection point, for example. Suddenly, you have this powerful ability to navigate the unpredictable and solve problems in the moment.” Hear Kate Leighton talk about innovation-based customer service on stage at the Salesforce Customer Service seminars in Sydney and Melbourne next week. Register for free here:

Melbourne, September 4th

Sydney, September 5th