The emergence of the social and mobile connected consumer has forced companies around the world to transform their approach to customer service. Consumers expect companies to know them and answer their questions, regardless if they are on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

And with Australia extremely active in social media, you would think our country would be at the forefront of this trend. However, 47% of Australian organisations don't have a transformative customer service strategy in place. What's stopping them? It really comes down to putting together a strategy that ensures:

  • Your customers can connect with you anytime, anywhere
  • Your agents have the tools to respond quickly and make customers happy
  • Your managers have the right data to make the best decisions

Interested in learning more? Join us in Melbourne on Wednesday, 4th September and in Sydney on Thursday, 5th September to hear from and special guests on how you can improve multi-channel service, agent productivity and business insights – to increase customer satisfaction by 37% and grow revenue. Register now and watch this space for additional announcements on the events!