Not many people would rank a customer service book as a thrilling read. However, the book "Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service" was truly one I could not put down. 

For me, the book was a revelation, and really emphasized the importance of anticipating a customer's needs at every step of their journey. For Disneyland, that means thinking about the number of refreshment stands, character meet and greets and even trash cans! 

The book argues that good customer service is not about the individual action, but about the purpose behind it. That thought made me reflect on some of the best customer service experiences I have had. Was it the action itself or the purpose behind it that made it memorable? Customers often expect the end result (product delivery, questions answered etc.) but it's how and why you get the job done that matters more. It's an interesting theory on customer service delivery and one that every company would be wise to explore.

Customer service is a hot topic here at the offices in ANZ, with our upcoming Service Cloud events in Melbourne (September 4th) and Sydney (September 5th). And in honour of these events, I encourage you to share your best customer service experience in the comments section below. The first 10 responders will receive their very own copies of "Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service."

Can't wait to read your stories!